

P149 Colon- Well-differentiated adenocarcinoma


Colon cancer is a major worldwide health problem owing to its high prevalence and mortality rates. Epidemiological evidences support the roles of high-fat diets and low dietary fiber intake associated with increasing the risk of colon cancer. Gross morphology show (BACKSIDE) normal colon with semilunar folds arise in the inner surface through muscle contractions. Another characteristic feature of the colon is the small sacculations filled with fat formed by the serosa called epiploic appendices fat. (FRONT) There is whitish irregular infiltrative mass invasive through muscularis layer, continuous brownish layer to become dis-continuous muscularis layer. Tumor mass obstruct the colonic lumen caused feces obstruction. Thus, one of the complications of a carcinoma is a change in stool or bowel habits.

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ที่อยู่ : ภาควิชาพยาธิชีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล 272 ถนน พระราม6 แขวง ทุ่งพญาไท เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
เบอร์โทร : 02 201 5550
อีเมล์ : Mahidol@Mahidol.ac.th